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'Vanessa was my first point of contact with our professional membership body; her very human organisational voice was a welcome change from what I’d experienced elsewhere.

‘As I got to know Vanessa and her work, her commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion shone through all she did. In our interactions in public and member spaces, I could see her striving to shift organisational culture in real time.

‘She’s a passionate, fiercely caring, relentless advocate, whose presence made me feel not just safe, but welcome and even needed in our shared spaces. The policy changes Vanessa drove meant I could participate in ways I’d never expected as an overseas member of a UK-centric organisation.

‘She also did not shy away from gently, yet firmly challenging me when my own words could have been hurtful, and she did so without making me feel attacked and helped me learn about the impact of seemingly innocuous words I tend to use casually. She’s shown me how my own work as an editor can have valuable incremental effects on inclusion and helped me make my editorial practice more sensitive, especially in areas such as ableism and mental health.

‘I know that Vanessa describes herself as a “human-centred, trauma-informed” editor—and I’ve often sought her out when the personal and professional have collided painfully… In some ways, a tiny Vanessa sits on my shoulder and I’m a better editor because of it!’

Bhaskar Raman, editorial consultant | typesetter | project manager, freelance

‘When Vanessa was elected to the board of our professional membership body, it was immediately clear that she was determined to bring about positive change in the organisation’s culture, policies and practices. I enthusiastically supported her work to embed protections for members from marginalised and minoritised groups, to audit the organisation to better serve all its members, and to ensure that the online and in-person spaces members shared were safe and inclusive – something previously taken for granted.

‘It was Vanessa who laid the groundwork for me to join the board as its first EDI director. Her impact had been transformational: our colleagues now understood and were committed to EDI values, and we were engaging with conscious language as central to editing in the 21st century. There were tangible organisational outcomes too: not only a more diverse membership but also the active and vocal participation of members from groups it had historically marginalised.

‘Vanessa brings to all of her work a deep understanding of and commitment to EDI, as well as the learning mindset that is essential to meaningful change.

‘I’ve since worked with Vanessa to consult professionally on inclusive language, and I’ve seen in that context too the same combination of learning mindset and empathy with meticulous attention to detail.

‘I sincerely hope that I'll have opportunities to work with Vanessa again in the future.’

Luke Finley (he/him), copy-editor and plain language specialist, Luke Finley Editorial

'I worked with Vanessa when she was developing a dignity policy and complaints procedure for her professional membership body. Vanessa was an extremely engaged board member and she considered every aspect of the policy carefully.

‘As a professional in the field of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), I’ve found Vanessa to be committed, dedicated and expansive. She thoroughly researches all new developments in the field, and she uses appropriate and explanatory language with great sensitivity.

‘I have no doubt that Vanessa's interest, knowledge and professionalism re EDI and inclusive language will make a huge success.’

Lou Hart, managing director, Lou Hart Consultancy | associate, The Board Agency and The Diversity Trust

Let’s figure out how I can help you where your words can do EDI work.

If my consultancy services look like the sort of thing you need, drop me a line with a few details and I’ll get back to you.